I Peter 4: 8: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
I can genuinely say I have felt inspired, equipped, and engaged (see what I did there?) the minute I arrived for my first day of work on a sunny Tuesday morning in July. Why, you might ask?
Because of the people I have met and the folks I get to work with everyday (sidebar: not only is this a fantastic group of dedicated, smart, and creative faculty and staff, but here’s proof that they’re also a ton of fun).

In the last several months, I’ve visited with nearly all the teaching staff, countless parents, a number of grandparents, and other friends and supporters of DCS and I have been asking them “what is Denver Christian great at?”

The common threads that have been shared with me are encouraging.
Faith binds this community together.
This community places a high value on connection and relationships. I heard this time and time again as people shared their DC experience with me. I Peter 4 confirms the importance of love and hospitality and service, and that’s what people here talk about:
My family was so warmly welcomed here.
The faculty and staff want to get to know my kids personally.
My child transferred here from a large public high school and has felt so accepted and loved and encouraged.
I feel like I belong here.
Communities that value connection have the capacity to envision and execute great things for the sake of God’s glory. Nothing of lasting value can be built without connection. Connection and community are foundational to what God will do through Denver Christian as we move towards His preferred future for us.

This community perseveres.
When listening to the story of Denver Christian from various people, I saw and heard a spirit of perseverance among the staff and community who have worked hard to position Denver Christian to thrive as a shining example of faith-based educational excellence in the Denver area.

That persevering spirit resonated deeply with me. I’ve heard of the many different changes and subsequent challenges Denver Christian School faced in recent years, and it excited me to consider the possibility of serving alongside of this community defined by their grit and motivated by it to serve God in significant and tangible ways.
This community embraces hope.
I heard hope in people’s voices as they described what Denver Christian meant to them professionally and personally. This struck me so profoundly during my interview process that I withdrew my name from consideration in several other searches.
Because you can’t fake hope.
Past challenges were acknowledged as part of living into the vision of Denver Christian School’s ability to grow itself in its ability to better serve God, its students, and its families for years to come. Hope, coupled with a strong sense of resolve.

Faith, perseverance, and hope. A school community characterized by these lived values isn’t just a community I ultimately wanted to join at a professional level. This is the school I most wanted my own children to attend.
Friends of Denver Christian School, it is a joy to be working with you as we seek together God’s vision and plans for growing His kingdom here.

About the author

Matt Covey serves as the head of school at Denver Christian School. Denver Christian School is a preschool through high school college preparatory Christian school serving the Denver metro area offering excellence in academics, a broad range of extracurricular opportunities, and a supportive learning community through a distinctively Christian lens. Visit our website to learn more about Denver Christian School, and follow along with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo.