
Home / Arts / Worship

Weekly chapels provide time for students to come together in worship, prayer, and learning through scripture and speakers. Students provide leadership for weekly chapels as vocalists, instrumentalists, and tech support.


Elementary classrooms take turns leading elementary chapels, which provide opportunities for students to share their faith, perform a song or skit, and lead the rest of the school in lessons from the Bible.  5th grade students can audition to help lead chapel as part of our praise and worship team.  Chapel meets three times a month on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. Once a month, all grades gather for Faith Families (one member of each grade) for a special service project.

Middle School 

Middle  school chapels are led by Chaplain Frankie Jones and students are selected to participate in the worship team singing, playing instruments, and running tech.  Worship teams rehearse weekly before school. Chapel meets three times a month on Thursdays at 9:15 a.m. Once a month, all grades gather for Faith Families (one member of each grade) for a special service project.

High School

High school chapels are led by staff and guest speakers, and students are selected to participate in the worship team singing, playing instruments, and running tech.  Worship teams rehearse weekly before school. Chapel meets three times a month on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. Once a month, all grades gather for Faith Families (one member of each grade) for a special service project.