Our students’ physical, mental, and emotional health and safety is our highest priority, and our committed teachers, counselors, and volunteers help our students thrive. Our classrooms provide a safe and inclusive culture where all students can grow and thrive. We emphasize the importance of healthy relationships among students and with staff. Our unified PreK-12 campus offers opportunities for friendship, mentoring, and discipling. Elementary classroom buddies read and attend chapel together, and Prek-12 Faith Families meet monthly for worship and service projects. Some of the best learning occurs in moments outside of the classroom, and that’s why we encourage our students to participate in co-curricular opportunities.

Denver Christian offers students these experiences:
- Competitive Athletics Teams for 6th–12th grade students in a variety of fall, winter and spring sports.
- Fine and Performing Arts programs are available during the school day for all students with deeper experiences offered after school for middle school and high school students.
- School Clubs and Activities including elementary theme week, book club, Snapology club, arts & crafts, robotics, and more in elementary; Speech and Debate in middle and high school, middle & high school drama performances, National Honor Society, yearbook, Student Council, the annual school favorite Mr. Thunder tradition, and so much more.
- Middle School Trips to Estes Park, IdRaHaJe, and the Black Hills, SD for community building and service.
- High School Trips including high school Discovery Week trips to Florida, Washington D.C., California, the Black Hills, Dominican Republic, DC Band at Disney, college exploration trips as well as domestic and international mission and service trips.
- DC Summer Camps are open to all students in the Denver community. Full-day and half-day options are available including specialty camps.