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In elementary school, weekly music classes allow students to explore sounds, movement, singing, and skills!  From worship, rhythm, beat, singing, instruments and dance, all aspects of music give students a well-rounded introduction to music education.  In these years, students gain a musical foundation and learn about being a musician and performer.  Preschool through 5th grade students have multiple opportunities to perform each year including the Christmas program, spring musical, and grandparents day.

All 5th graders are invited to join the band.  No previous musical experience is needed.  Students will learn how to play an instrument and read music and will perform alongside the middle school and high school bands.

Middle School

Students meet three to four times each week during the school day and learn basic instrument fundamentals that expand their ranges and allow them to play more challenging music. The band performs three concerts over the course of the year.

Students meet three to four times each week during the school day and learn more advanced skills such as instrument technique, articulation, rhythms, note-reading, intonation, balance and blend.  The band performs at three concerts throughout the year.

The middle school jazz band meets during fourth quarter and learns how to play in the different styles of jazz, including swing, blues, rock, pop, funk, and Latin. They also learn the basics of improvisation and perform a concert at the end of the quarter.

The middle school drumline meets first and third quarters and performs a variety of cadences at performances on campus.

The middle school chamber ensemble meeting second quarter and learns a variety of Christmas music in a chamber setting. They then travel to different assisted living facilities and memory care centers to perform for the residents. 

Students in grades 6-8 who join choir meet two to three times weekly and study a wide variety of music. Students begin learning technique and performance basics, and develop skills reading, interpreting, and performing a wide array of music. The choir performs 3-4 concerts per year at school, as well as several concerts in community.

The Orchestra Club is open to 6th-12th grade string players. They meet once a week after school and perform in December and May.

If students are not in band or choir, they will take a weekly general music class to explore other areas of music. From music technology, music analysis, music performance, or music history, students have a chance to show their creativity and talent while having fun.

High School

Students in symphonic band meet three times per week and learn music theory and advanced concepts such as scales, modes, key signatures, intervals and triads. Repertoire includes fanfares, overtures, ballads, film music and suites. The band performs a concert at the end of each term, in addition to festivals. The Symphonic Band also has the opportunity to take a performance oriented trip every year.

The Orchestra Club is open to 6th-12th grade string players. They meet once a week after school and perform in December and May.

Students enrolled in the Symphonic Band can also participate in Pep Band. Music consists of contemporary songs and drum cadences. Rehearsals occur during Symphonic Band, and the Pep Band performs at the Homecoming game.

The Jazz Band is a select group of high school students that are also part of the Symphonic Band. They rehearse two days a week and perform three concerts throughout the year, in addition to other performances such as Grandparents Day, a Christmas concert, festivals and community performances.

The DC Drumline is made of up of 9th-12th grade students who are also part of the Symphonic Band.  They perform at all home football games, a variety of home basketball games, pep rallies, and the Homecoming parade.

The High School Choir is a choir focused on the full experience of music education including sight-singing, discussion of the science behind singing, learning how to actively listen to music, music history and research, and the art of performance.  Members of our High School Choir learn a wide variety of music from all genres and difficulty in order to better prepare for All-State Choir auditions, collegiate choral ensembles, and even a career in music if they are so inclined!  This choir provides multiple performance opportunities including school concerts, sporting events, Grandparent’s Day, a Christmas Extravaganza concert, and one traveling opportunity per year.