Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award

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This award is designed to highlight the work of our alumni across the globe as innovators, collaborators, and leaders with a dedication to living a life that glorifies God. This award is given during the Homecoming celebrations and the recipient of this award must be able to be present at Homecoming to receive the award.

Criteria for Distinguished Alumni of the Year: 

  • Open to all alumnus/alumna who have graduated from DC
  • Must have a clear Christian commitment
  • Must contribute to society in a significant way. This significance could be in a broad range of areas: occupational, volunteer work, church/mission, etc. 
  • Nominee to embody one or more of the Through-lines as taught at every grade level within DC in Teaching for Transformation: God Worshiper, Image Reflector, Community Builder, Servant Leader, Resource Steward, Critical Thinker, Shalom Restorer, Beauty Creator, Truth Discerner

To nominate someone for the Distinguished Alumni of the year award, please complete the following nomination form. Clearly describe the nominee’s qualifications for this award in regard to how they are living out their role as an innovator, collaborator and/or leader.

Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form

Nominee's Name(Required)
Your Name(Required)

If you have questions or would like to submit a nomination through the mail, please email Denver Christian’s Alumni Relations Office at jkalkman@denverchristian.org or call 303-763-7996.