Discover why DC is a premier Christian academy preparing students for college and beyond
Denver Christian provides a world class, whole child education for students in grades preschool – 12th grade. Graduates of Denver Christian School pursue excellence, communicate and collaborate effectively, seek justice, embrace community, exhibit empathy, and demonstrate responsibility. Our curriculum is aligned for academic continuity and excellence, and students leave Denver Christian abundantly prepared to flourish in college and their communities.
Qualified and Caring Faculty
Denver Christian’s faculty and staff are the heart of the school. All of our teachers are fully qualified to teach in their areas of expertise and they all care deeply about the academic, physical, social, mental, and spiritual health of their students. They pray for and with their students, they model a commitment to living a faith-filled life, and they challenge their students to discover God’s calling for their lives.

Our technology-rich campus provides students at all grade levels with tools to explore God’s world, and here at Denver Christian School our students learn to master technology skills, tools, and equipment. Elementary classes use computers as part of their STEM special. Additionally, each elementary classrooms has a set of computers (one for each student in that class). Denver Christian provides Middle School students with a Chromebook to use in class and at home for school assignments. High school students bring their own devices to campus.
Technology helps our students develop as collaborators, communicators, creators, and critical thinkers. In any given week here at Denver Christian School, students can be found in our STEM lab applying the scientific method to a boat-building challenge, taking apart and rebuilding computers, designing & blueprinting tiny houses, filming and editing videos in front of our green screen, creating roller coaster animations, and building robots in our cocurricular Robotics club.

Learning goals for our students go beyond just improving their technology skills. They live in a technology-saturated world, and digital citizenship requires biblical discernment. Our faculty mentor and challenge students to use technology wisely, safely, and responsibly.
Differentiated Learning
God uniquely created each of our students with different gifts and abilities. Students learn differently and have different needs, and Denver Christian School offers individualized support to help every student succeed that is coordinated by Extend Learning Services and Inclusion. These faculty work in partnership with classroom teachers to identify and respond to the needs of all learners. Extend Learning Services offers full inclusion, Extend instructional support, and Quest: our program for academically gifted and talented students. Students may receive Extend Learning services in a variety of settings, including small groups, one-on-one and within the regular classroom. Support services vary by school:
- Elementary: Extend, Extend Inclusion, Aids, Paraprofessionals, Quest
- Middle: Extend, Extend Inclusion, Learning Labs, Paraprofessionals, Quest
- High: Extend, Extend Inclusion, Paraprofessionals, Dual-Enrollment Classes
At all grade levels, Extend helps students to succeed at their current level of ability while also being challenged to achieve at higher levels. Extend helps equip students with critical thinking skills, study skills and strategies for success.

Biblical Distinctiveness
We are known as Denver CHRISTIAN School for a reason: the Bible is the foundation of everything we do. That means that our faculty share a common faith in Jesus, curriculum is taught from a reformed biblical perspective, and students attend Bible classes at every grade level. Our teachers incorporate Teaching for Transformation at each grade level; giving them a framework for weaving their faith into everything they teach. Worship is part of the rhythm of school life, with daily classroom and homeroom devotions as well as weekly chapels led by faculty, students, and guests.

More than that, though, is that we teach and model a Christian world and life view. Students come to Denver Christian under the faith of their parents, and we nurture that faith and encourage students to make that faith their own by loving Jesus and serving others. Serving and learning go together at Denver Christian School, and all of our students are challenged to live out their faith through age and developmentally appropriate service learning opportunities. Serving others starts at school, in classrooms and throughout our campus. Students also serve others in our community by raking leaves for the elderly, adopt-a-highway cleanup, Dance Your Shoes Off fundraisers, clothing and donation drives, and numerous other opportunities.