At DC, we are blessed to be part of a community where the memory of those who have walked alongside us continue to touch our hearts in lasting ways. Throughout the school, there are quiet yet meaningful reminders of individuals who were once a vital part of the DC family, their presence still felt through symbols of love and remembrance.
One such symbol resides in the elementary library: a special rocking chair dedicated to Wesley Masselink. Wesley, who passed away in 1995 after battling liver cancer, left a deep mark on the community. His wife, Robin, was the school librarian, and their three children attended Denver Christian. Today, books donated in his memory line the shelves, and a plaque on the chair serves as a tribute to his lasting presence. For many, this chair is more than just a piece of furniture—it’s a reminder of the love that Wesley shared.
Remembering Wesley Masselink

Remembering Kristy Cutright

Elsewhere in the school, two benches honor the lives of students who left us far too soon. One, located in the high school hallway, is dedicated to Kristy Cutright, a student who tragically passed away in a car accident in 2004. Kristy was just 16 years old. A gift from the class of 2006, this bench serves to honor Kristy and the impact she had on her friends and family, including her two siblings who also attended DC. She loved dance, soccer, and taekwondo.
The second bench, situated outside the main entrance, pays tribute to Mark Miedema, whose lost his life to wildlife. This bench is a gentle reminder of his life and the bond shared within the DC community, which continues to honor and cherish his memory.
These cherished spaces serve not just as memorials but as constant reminders of the love, faith, and community at DC. Though these individuals are no longer with us, their spirits continue to inspire and encourage us, reminding us of the strength found in shared faith and fellowship.