The events of the past week and a half have filled us with a sense of anger, sorrow, and angst toward the condition of our communities. We are troubled and saddened by what is happening around us. It is during these times we lament the death of George Floyd and the acts of destruction we are seeing where we live. The sin of racism, in all it forms, causes us to turn to the only Being that can heal, unite, and bring about redemption where there seems none can be found.
Of course, this Being is the person of Jesus Christ, who reminds us in Mark 12:30 that a direct reflection of our love for God is our love for our neighbor. Today, as a Christian community, out of love for our neighbor, we publicly bemoan the senseless death of George Floyd, and appeal Christ to permeate all of our hearts so that we might, with humble acts of love of all kinds, be the redeeming agents He calls us to be.
God created all of us and He loves each of us with a depth that is beyond comprehension. We are made in His image and His son, Jesus, died for us so that we all might have life and have it abundantly.
We have often fallen short of doing the necessary work so that our neighbors might have the opportunity for life in the “full” (John 10:10). In the Christian communities, we are a part of, we must stand together against racism, hate, and destruction. What can we do to lift up those who are angry and hurt? What are the humble acts of love we can personally demonstrate to lift oppression that is pressed down on those God created in His image?
As a Christian school, and in particular, a place of learning, we ask that each of us takes it upon ourselves to discuss the aforementioned questions with our children so that we might learn together how to best reflect Christ’s love in a time where it is so desperately needed. It is our responsibility as adults within our homes, and as a school within our classrooms and hallways to have these discussions that are critical in developing future conditions where God’s image-bearers have the opportunity to flourish. Will you join me in having these discussions with our children both now and in the future?
Denver Christian School stands against racism and joins others across the nation in lifting prayers for healing and comfort at this time of great need.
As a family, please join us in praying for Mr. Floyd’s family, for peace to be restored to our city and cities across the country, and for wisdom for our law enforcement officers and those God has placed in positions of authority.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You made us all and in Your majestic wisdom and creativity, you didn’t make us the same. We celebrate the fact that you made us different colors and in this diversity, Your image is on display. Our prayer is that within this diversity, that we resist Satan’s schemes to cause division. We know that Your love is no match for the sin he propagates and we lean into Your love for us so that we may stand up for one another when we witness wrongdoing towards anyone You have made.
It is only by Your divine intervention that we will be able to see one another the way You see each of us. May the children under our care see our godly example, learn from it, and reflect it for generations to come.
We lift up those in leadership across our nation and all nations. We ask that you provide them the wisdom necessary to lead us through this troubling time in a way that reflects biblical justice and peace.
Lord, we recognize that there are those who do not reflect Your love in the way they treat others who are of different ethnicities. They mistreat others, and we pray we have the courage to call out those who do so. And as we call them out, may this action not be out of pride, but out of a desire that they would begin to see others as You see them. We humbly admit, at times, we ourselves do not reflect the love You call us to towards others, specifically those who look different than us. Guard our own hearts against the subtle and obvious sins that racism can cause within our own lives.
Heavenly Father, we pray for our country and world. May healing, unity, and change come quickly and may it start with me. You ask us to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly” with You. Let us do so.