Did you know there is a group of Denver Christian moms that prays nearly every week for the spiritual, cultural, and financial health of the school? Their group is called “DCS Prayer Group” and their desire to lift up our kids, families, and staff is a special encouragement to me and I trust it is to you as well.
I have always told (anyone who wanted to listen) that there are more ideas inspired, more challenges met, and more problems overcome because of this prayer group than 100 school board or staff meetings combined. That isn’t to minimize the importance of board and staff meetings; however, it is meant to highlight the importance of communal prayer.
While the “DCS Prayer Group” will continue its practice of praying for DC, virtually, we would like to invite you into the work of the DCS Prayer group as we navigate the new world of e-learning as a school community. Below are the details of the #DCPrays movement.
Who can join?
DC moms, dads, students, and whoever else who loves DC and God’s world. Please remember this is for all of us. You don’t need to consider yourself a dynamic person of prayer to partake. God honors prayer and the more humble the posture the better in God’s eyes. What matters is our sincerity and our longing to connect with the One who made us.
What is it?
Starting Good Friday (April 10) we are inviting DC families to take a prayer walk each week to pray for a number of things related to Denver Christian, but also our community and our world during this unique period in time.
When is it?
Our first walk will start on Good Friday (April 10) starting at 4 pm. Subsequent weekly prayer walks will be every Friday at 4:00 p.m., and we’ll continue this as long as we’re engaged in distance learning together. So, put on your walkin’ shoes and start praying! And if walking and praying happen at a better time for you than 4 p.m. on Fridays, certainly do so whenever you’re able to.
Where should we do this?
Walks take place wherever you are at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. It doesn’t matter where you are (home, work, etc…) and as long as you are practicing proper social distancing we hope there are many DC folks out walking and praying each week.
Why are we doing this?
1 John 15:4 tells us that, “This is the confidence that we have in approaching God: That we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” God will hear our prayers and honor them as a community because He loves us. What the world needs Christians to do most, right now, is to pray for the world and the people in it. DC can do its part on Good Friday and the Fridays following that. Finally, be encouraged in your prayers with the reminder from Oswald Chambers that “prayer doesn’t prepare us for the greater work; it is the greater work.”
How should we engage in this opportunity?
Social distancing is paramount with this endeavor. Please walk alone or as a family only, and not as a broader group. Our “DC Prays” group will send out a shortlist of verses and items to pray about the day before each prayer walk via DC email each Thursday. Check your inbox! You can use this as a prayer guide or simply pray what is on your heart. Prayer items will be broad as not to break any privacy agreements we have with one another.

Finally, can we encourage each other in this prayer endeavor? Though we’re unable to physically gather in unity as a community to pray with and for each other, we can still share together in the joy of belonging to a prayer-filled community. We’d love to see how many streets in the Denver area are prayed on and over, and as such we’re inviting you to share a picture of your family and tag Denver Christian School (@denverchristian on Instagram or Insta stories; @DenverChristianSchool on Facebook) when you’re prayer walking, and use the hashtag #DCPrays.
Let’s cover our city with prayer.
Together in Christ,
Matt Covey, Head of School and the “DCS Prayer Group”