The Wilson family first looked into Denver Christian in 2020. While they were initially hesitant to transition schools, they are grateful they made that decision. In the few years since they have seen their children thrive in every area of their education.
What led you to Denver Christian?
Their daughter was in middle school and struggled with the pressure of online school during the pandemic. Like many students, she had to face many of these challenges independently, since both of her parents were working. She encountered platform issues and a general lack of attention to detail. Over the course of several months, they saw little to no improvement. Furthermore, the family was concerned by how her friends and environments shaped her worldview. This was “sending her in a life direction that was quite frankly frightening to us (and looking back on it, her as well!)”
When sharing these concerns with friends whose children attended Denver Christian, they explained that none of those concerns were a challenge for their family. “In fact,” the Wilsons say, their children were “thriving” and they “couldn’t have been more proud of the way their children were developing.” This inspired the Wilson family to look into Denver Christian for their own children. At first, the Wilsons were hesitant because change can be difficult for children. However, the Wilsons decided to enroll, hoping for an environment that would help their children thrive.
What has changed since starting at Denver Christian?
The Wilsons have been at Denver Christian for more than two years now. They say, “It is by no means an exaggeration to say that DC has completely changed their lives.” Both of their children are thriving in every area of their lives: academically, relationally, and spiritually. The Wilsons believe that none of this change would have been possible without Denver Christian: “We believe going to Denver Christian has had a major part in setting them on the trajectory in life that we have always hoped and prayed they’d go on.” The Wilsons have invested in their children at home, but they know that their school environment also plays a “massive role” in their development. “We are eternally grateful.”